Tracey Hill


I’m a hypnotherapist, performance & behavioural coach, plant medicine enthusiast, inventor, mother and architect of my own health and happiness

If you're here, it's no accident. You're on a journey, just as I have been, a journey into understanding who you are and what you're capable of. 

Who am I has been a question I've asked myself a million times over and still continue to ponder. But through it all, I've discovered my purpose and what I believe to be my mission in life.

I am a creator, an inventor, a designer of intentional experiences. I make the inconceivable tangible, both for myself and for others. Every day, I wake with my eyes wide open, eager to shape perspectives and carve out spaces for growth. I am driven by passion and purpose, working to empower our humanity to perform better, live longer and flourish mindfully and soulfully.

So sure, I've had a tough past, but with each blow, I discovered a resilient spirit within me that refused to be defeated. Through these trials, I found a deep-seated determination for change and a passion for helping others unleash their genius and aviate their potential.

My skill is taking people and making them more of who they are and diminishing the influence of their limitations”

Tracey has a remarkable ability to understand the psychology of getting the most out of ourselves and others. Always incisive and curious. She is able to ask questions and offer ideas which take firm held beliefs into a new space of thinking. She is a game changer in human performance and a coach I  recommend without hesitation.

Leading International Performance Psychologist & Renowned Speaker

Jamil Qureshi

It's a rarity in life to meet a human being like Tracey. Her ebullient passion is infectious; she's tonic personified with an enviable intelligence that when you speak to her, you know she's compiling the next genius thing, the new potential zeitgeist. Whether Tracey is putting her all into building better minds for the now and next generations, somehow, she makes you feel part of something really bloody special. Work. Mentor. Socialise. Whatever you get the chance to do with Tracey, I recommend you grasp it with both hands and hang on tight.

Co-Founder & COO

Paul Chambers

Tracey is such a powerful storyteller and has an incredible way of captivating an audience whilst bringing out the best in all her guests. She's a passionate and inspirational heart-centred leader and speaker.

Founder of EMBR 

Melissa Matson

"I feel more in control of my work life, and my personal life... this experience with Tracey has been life changing"

I felt like the success in my life and business, whilst it was good, was capped. However, I knew the problem was something within me... The work we have done together so far has been instantaneous! It’s been incredible to feel like I’m getting those ‘instant’ wins, as well seeing a clear map of long-term progression too

Founder of Azori, Branding Studio

Pascale Ricchetti

Tracey knows exactly how to make an immediate impact with her audience. Her style is both motivating, insightful and relatable. She guided me in exploring and sharing my life-changing experiences and helped me articulate these experiences so they would resonate with and benefit anyone listening. I've given many interviews, but this was by far the most enjoyable and impactful. Thank you, Tracey!

Disabled Adventurer and Keynote Speaker specialising in overcoming adversity and mental toughness.

Darren Edwards

We are delighted to have Tracey as a partner she is a great addition to the team at Being Human at. 
She is on a mission to equip her audience with the tools to cultivate confidence, resilience, strength, courage, and perseverance.
Tracey is a game changer for driving results with corporate leaders and teams!

Co-Founders of Being Human At

Paul & Carolyn

I had been thinking about contacting Tracey for a while - after hearing her speak.

We clicked immediately. She has incredible empathy and a powerful ability to hone in on small things I would say and help me to reframe them into something much more positive and game-changing!

It’s really incredible how in such a short time that I felt completely refreshed to get going in an accelerated manner. I just needed that ‘Tracey push’!

If you’re feeling stuck, just not sure which direction to go, or doing a bit of so many things but finishing nothing, talk to Tracey - I promise you, you won’t regret it.

Author of #1 bestselling book ‘Valued at Work’ | Engineer, & Coach

Lauren Neal

Who are the pause effect?

The Pause Effect is a new way to experience living and acts like a social force field constantly pushing the boundaries to what's possible.

We encourages intentional pauses that stimulate self-enquiry and growth that empowers confidence, performance & behavioural change. We guide you towards achieving meaningful results and success in all facets of life.

We stand on the belief that the path to making a genuine impact in this world is through mastering oneself—not in an abstract, metaphysical way, but in a concrete, scientific, and proven manner.  

Our range of services are designed to help you cultivate a resilient and self-assured mindset—a sustainable platform of nourishment and strength. We empower you to confidently take charge of your decision-making, letting your curiosity, intuitive intelligence and purpose take flight.  

We help you pause so you can make bold, exciting moves, opening doors to new opportunities. Where self exploration meets potential, where health & nourishment meets optimal health and longevity.

The Pause Effect isn’t about shorterism and what’s popular at the moment, we expand our horizons far beyond the confines of today and tomorrow.

“Be the game changer, the world is already full of players.”